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AART.BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art


Program Title

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art


BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts

Program Level


CIP Code (National ID)



Art Program Requirements

Art Program Learning Goals

By the time students graduate from the Program in Art (BFA and MFA), they should have:

  • Conceptualized and created works which evolve from the students' personal vision and purpose, in their own voice and on their own terms.

  • Understood the relationship of an artwork's formal, conceptual, and historical properties in relation to the context of their chosen audience.

  • Acquired experience with a broad range of mediums and options for the creation of work, in order to make specific choices.

  • Developed a foundation of problem solving skills and concepts which support the intention of the artist in their artistic practice.

  • Achieved the technical and conceptual ability to interpret the works of other artists through the understanding of visual language.

  • Successfully completed a mid-residency review and a graduation review.

The BFA Program in Art is structured to provide a strong foundation for achieving these goals, leading to individualized studio practice.

Bachelor of Fine Arts and Certificate of Fine Arts

Each student will fashion a course of study in consultation with the mentor. The first two BFA years are intended to create a strong foundation for art making and critical thinking; the final two BFA years are intended to allow more personal exploration, grounded in one-on-one study, exhibitions or projects, and corresponding reviews.

To complete the BFA, an undergraduate must complete a total of 9 units of Independent Study.

BFA3 students are required to pass a 3 unit BFA Mid-Res Project, coinciding with the students mid-residency project or exhibition and mid-residency review.

BFA4 students are required to pass the 3 unit BFA Final Project, coinciding with the final exhibition and final review.

It is recommended that BFA students take one Independent Study within the Art Program each semester, beginning in the second year. The maximum number of independent studies with Art Program faculty per semester is 2. BFA1 students are assigned 1 unit of Independent Study in the second semester, however they can take Independent Study in the first semester if they wish.

Each student must complete at minimum of 6 units of Practicum or Winter Session coursework including Art Hazards.

To complete the BFA, an undergraduate must complete a total of 4 studio courses. BFA1 and BFA2 must take at least one studio course each semester from the list below:

  • AART-001 through 009

  • AART-205 A through Z

  • AART-210 A through Z

  • AART-310 A through Z

  • AART-311 A through Z

  • ACOM-218

*Not all studio courses are offered each semester.


Mentoring is a crucial element for students and faculty to develop knowledge and understanding of the experience in the program and school. Each student is required to maintain regular contact with their mentor, including at least one meeting per semester and regular consultation on their course schedule.

First Year Required Courses:

AART101 Foundation (Fall)

AART104 Foundation Studio (Fall)

AART102 Foundation (Spring)

AAIC103 What Makes it Art?

One assigned Independent Study (AART199) during the Spring Semester

Art Hazards workshop (AART010) and one workshop from Practicum or Winter Session.

One course each semester from the following series (see list below).

  • AART-001 through 009

  • AART-205 A through Z

  • AART-210 A through Z

  • AART-310 A through Z

  • AART-311 A through Z

Note: AART104 Foundation Studio does not count towards the required 4 studio courses. Only courses listed above meet the requirement.

Not all studio courses are offered each semester.

Second Year Required Courses: 

AART201 Post Foundation Seminar/Critique: What's Goin' On? (Fall)

AART203 Post Foundation: Visiting Artists Forum (Spring)

Both sections of Modern Art History in Review (AAIC265 and AAIC266) must be completed during the second year

Two workshops from Practicum or Winter Session

One course each semester from the list below.

  • AART-001 through 009

  • AART-205 A through Z

  • AART-210 A through Z

  • AART-310 A through Z

  • AART-311 A through Z

Note: Not all studio classes are offered each semester.

Recommended Courses:

One Independent Study Each Semester (AART299)

Third Year Required Courses:

A 3 unit BFA Mid-Residence Project (AART398) coinciding with the mid-residence review, typically in the fall semester

One workshop from Practicum or Winter Session

Recommended Courses:

Two Art Program classes each semester At least one Independent Study (AART399) each semester

Fourth Year Required Courses:

A final project or exhibition is required, in consultation with the mentor.

A 3 unit BFA Final Project (AART498) coinciding with the final exhibition or project in the Spring semester

AART497 BFA4 Independent Studio during Practicum